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Her research covers studies on the social and political foundations of labor markets and financial markets in advanced capitalist democracies. In doing so, she assumes that the analysis of capitalism comprises more than the analysis of exchange and allocation processes on markets. Currently, she co-leads the third-party funded research project “GOVPET: Governance in Vocational and Professional Education and Training” (link) which focuses on the governance and change of collective skill formation systems.

In her research, Christine Trampusch mainly employs historical-institutional and comparative methods in order to analyze institutions and policies that regulate labor and financial markets. Her primary interests are the relationship between political and economic power, policy and how this relationship drives policy and institutional change. She uses qualitative-comparative and within-case methods to develop hypotheses in comparative political economy and institutional theory. 

Current research projects 

Her current research projects investigate financialization and digitalization, the historical origins of varieties of capitalism, the development of skill formation systems, and the transformation of industrial relations.

Completed major research projects


Municipalities and their Expectations on Pay-Offs of Swap Deals (MUSWAPS) DFG Project - Project number 255716236


Moving Trades: Skill formation and the Role of National Vocational Training in Transnational European Labour markets


Debt Management Reforms and Pension Reforms in Ireland and New Zealand


Financialization of Sovereign Debt Management in 23-OECD countries (together with Michael Schwan and Florian Fastenrath)


Derivative transactions of municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia (together with Dennis C. Spies)


The deregulation of the dairy industry in New Zealand


The rise and fall of the german Landesbanken (together with Benedikt Linden and Micheal Schwan)


Biosecurity policy in New Zealand


Evolution of skill formation in Germany, Austria and New Zealand


Credit Ranking in the German banking system


Political economy of accounting


Agricultural interests and the origins of varieties of capitalism (together with Dennis C. Spies)


Institutional Change in the Swiss Banking Secrecy (together with Simon Steinlin, University of Bern)


The Political Economy of Collective Skill Formation (together with Marius R. Busemeyer, University of Konstanz)


Switzerland in Europe. Europe in Switzerland (together with André Mach, Lausanne)


The Privatization of the Welfare State: Industrial Relations as a Source of Social Benefits (funds: 2 doctoral assistants, 2 research assistants), CHF 228'172, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): Rebeca (Research on Social Benefits in Collective Agreements)


“The Welfare State and Trade Unions in Switzerland” (funds: 1 doctoral student; student had to be the applicant), CHF 74'250, Swiss Social Archive in Zurich


Europeanization and institutional change in vocational training


A dog's life in Post-Hartz German. A Canine Understanding of German Welfare Reform (together with Deborah Schmierstein and Marina vom Prühmtal); download publication: Post_Hartz_Germany_2006


Trade unions and welfare state, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies


Institutional complementarity and institutional change (together with Wolfgang Streeck, Kathleen Thelen, Martin Höpner, Britta Rehder und Armin Schäfer), Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies


Transformation of German corporatism (together with Wolfgang Streeck), Max Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies