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Visiting Scholar, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Guest Professor, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland


Visiting Researcher, Department of Politics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand


Visiting Researcher, Department of Politics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Since 07/2011

University professor in International Comparative Political Economy and Economic Sociology (Brückenprofessur, Max-Planck-Institute for the Studies of Societies), University of Cologne


Rejected a call to a professorship (Extraordinariat) in Comparative Political Economy, University of Bern, Institute of Political Science (Switzerland)


Rejected a call to a professorship (W3-Professur) in Comparative Politics and the Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany, Leibniz University Hannover


Assistant professor in Comparative Politics, University of Bern, Institute for Political Science (Switzerland)


Habilitation in Political Science, University of Göttingen


Member of the Arts, Social Science and Humanities section of the Max Planck Society as elected representative of the research assistants of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (October 2002-July 2005)


Wolfgang-Enke-Price 2001 of the Social Science Faculty of the University of Göttingen for the dissertation thesis


Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne


Visiting Researcher at the Dutch Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Den Haag)


Visiting Researcher at the University of Amsterdam, Institute for Labor Studies

November 2000

Dr. disc. pol. in political science for the dissertation thesis „Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeber: Ein Vergleich der Entstehung und Transformation öffentlicher Arbeitsverwaltungen in Deutschland, Großbritannien und den Niederlanden zwischen 1909 und 1999“, University of Göttingen

10/1997 -12/2000

Doctoral fellowship of the DFG-sponsored graduate group „Die Zukunft des Europäischen Sozialmodells”, Center for European and North American Studies (ZENS), University of Göttingen


EUSSIRF-Scholarship, British Library for Political Science and London School of Economics (London)


Research fellow at the central department for statistics and evaluation research at the Vocational Training and Development Center of the Bavarian Employers` Associations, Nürnberg


Studies in Political Science and Economics (Magister Artium) and Economics (Vordiplom)

Committees (since 2007)

Since 2016

Editorial Board European Journal of Political Research

Since October 2013

Scientific advisory council for the project „Unterstützung der Interessenvertretung in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung: ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Österreich“

Since April 2013

Elected Member of the Engere Fakultät (Council of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences), University of Cologne


Equal opportunity commissioner of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne

Since July 2011

Board member of the graduate school SOCLIFE at the University of Cologne

Since July 2011

Member of the International Max Planck Research School “The Social and Political Constitution of the Economy” Cologne (IMPRS-SPCE)

Since July 2011

Editorial board member of the journal German Politics

Since July 2011

Executive council member of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economic Studies)

Since July 2011

Council for European Studies (CES), Network “Industrial Relations, Skill Formation and Welfare State Policies”, together with Marius R. Busemeyer (Konstanz), Matthieu Leimgruber (Genf), Julia Moses (Oxford)


„Bologna Reform II“, working group, University of Bern


Member of the expert group for the accreditation procedure of the M.Sc. “Vocational Training”, Federal Institute for Vocational Education (EHB), Zollikofen

Since 2010

Board member of the working group „Verbände” of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)

Since 2010

Member of the editorial board of the journal Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (ZSR)


Scientific advisory council of the journal Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (ZSR)

Since 2008

Scientific advisory council for the project „Die politische Dynamik von Arbeitsmarktreformen in Deutschland – am Beispiel der Hartz IV Reform", sponsored by the Hans-Böckler-Foundation

Since 11/2007

Founding of the “Network on Education and Training” (NET) to promote political and sociological research on educational and vocational training, together with Prof. Dr. Marius R. Busemeyer

Since 3/2007

Elected representative of the assistant professors and part time lecturers at the faculty of economics and social science, University of Bern


Council for European Studies, German Association of University Professors and Lecturers, German Association for Political Science: active in the sections “Politische Ökonomie” and “Politische Soziologie”, in the working group “Verbände”, the ad hoc group „Die Zukunft der Policy-Forschung“, the ad hoc group „Vergleichende Wohlfahrtsstaatenforschung“, the ad hoc group „Sozialpolitik im Mehrebenensystem“, in the section “Sozialpolitik” and “Wirtschaftssoziologie” of the  German Sociological Association, Swiss Political Science Association (working groups social policy and political economy), Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics

Reviewer for the following journals

Acta Politica, American Journal of Political Science, Australian Journal of Political Science, Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies, British Journal of Industrial Relations, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Industrial Relations, European Union Politics, German Policy Studies, German Politics, Governance, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of Labour Market Research, Journal of Social Policy, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, MPIfG-Discussion Papers, MPIfG-Working Papers, New Political Economy, Political Studies, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Public Administration, Public Policy and Administration, Regulation & Governance, Review of International Political Economy (RIPE), Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Socio-Economic Review, Social Policy & Administration, Social Politics, West European Politics, WSI-Mitteilungen, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform

Referee, Third Party Funds

VW-Stiftung (Schumpeter Fellowship; Opus Magnum); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); Schweizer Nationalfonds (SNF); DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)