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Workshop on International and Comparative Political Economy

CCCP Workshop 2020

The Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (CCCP) and the Excellence Cluster ECONtribute (ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy EXC 2126) jointly hosted an international workshop on “International and Comparative Political Economy”. The two-day event brought together early career researchers and senior scholars using diverse methodological approaches to study key questions in this research area. The first day showcased the work of researchers studying distributive politics, the political representation of working-class women, and gendered policymaking in authoritarian regimes. The second day highlighted new research on the politics of investment and regulation in the digital economy, the trade-migration nexus, and the impact of globalization on social policy preferences in middle-income countries. Each panel also featured a keynote lecture by an invited scholar who is an expert in their field. As keynote speakers for the workshop, we were delighted to have hosted Charlotte Cavaille (University of Michigan), Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University), Anke Hassel (Hertie School of Governance) and Stefanie Walter (University of Zurich).

The workshop offered panels on:

Panel 1: Inequality and Redistribution (keynote speaker and discussant: Charlotte Cavaille, University of Michigan)

Panel 2: The Political Economy of Gender (keynote speaker and discussant: Frances Rosenbluth, Yale University)

Panel 3: Governance and Power in the Digital Economy (keynote speaker and discussant: Anke Hassel, Hertie School of Governance)

Panel 4: International Political Economy of Trade and Migration (keynote speaker and discussant: Stefanie Walter, University of Zurich)


The workshop accommodated eight papers and took place on November 26-27, 2020 online via Zoom.

Each panel started with a 30min keynote and a 30min discussion on this keynote. Then, two papers by early career scholars were discussed.

A detailed report of our workshop can be found here.

The workshop was funded by the by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2126/1– 390838866.