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Federal-level Government Participation and State-level Electoral Performance


This dataset comprises all federal, European and Land election results in Germany between June 1946 and September 2017 for the Parties CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, the Green Party (Greens) and the Left Party (Die Linke). The dataset also contains detailled information on government participation of these parties on the federal and Land level. One observation corresponds to one federal/European/Land election. The dataset can be downloaded in STATA 12 and Excel format with codebooks in German and English.

In any papers or publications that utilize this dataset, users are asked to cite the following article:

Baethge, Christopher, Mirko Dallendörfer and André Kaiser (2019): Federal-level Government Participation and State-level Electoral Performance: A Party-based Analysis of Land Elections in Germany, 1949–2017. German Politics. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/09644008.2019.1602121.


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