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Publications (peer-reviewed)

2022- Policymaking on immigrant welfare rights: the populist and the mainstream right. Journal of  European Public Policy, 1-28. (with Friederieke Roemer and Malisa Zobel)

2022- After Merkel–The 2021 German Election and its Implications for European Union Politics. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 60, 48-59.

2022- From immigration over redistributive attitudes to welfare spending. The moderating role of social program design. European Political Science Review, 14(4), 498-519. ( with Dennis Spies and  Alexander Schmidt-Catran)

2021 - Ideology, Institutions, and Education – Policy-making in Multi-Level Systems. Comparative Political Studies, online first (with Julian Garritzmann and Hanna Kleider)

2021 - Greens in government. The distributive policies of a culturally progressive force. West European Politics, 1-29 (with Hanna Schwander)

2019 - Why accommodate minorities? A theory of ideological authority insulation. European Journal of Political Research, 557-581 (with André Kaiser).

2018 - Ideological alignment and the distribution of public expenditures. West European Politics, 1-24 (with Hanna Kleider and Julian Garritzmann).

2018 - The Impact of Populist Radical Right Parties on Socio-Economic Policies. European Political Science Review, 1-26 (with Alexandre Afonso and Dennis Spies).

2016 - Centre‐Periphery Conflict and Ideological Distance in Turkey. Swiss Political Science Review, 22(4), 585-607. (with André Kaiser, Çagan Varol and Ugur Sadioğlu).


2023- Pathway Analysis, Causal Mediation, and the Identification of Causal Mechanisms. In Causality in Policy Studies: a Pluralist Toolbox (pp. 123-151). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

2018 - Political Parties and the Market. Towards a Comparable Assessment of Market Liberalism. The University of Cologne.

Publications in process

Decentralized authority and the dynamic fragmentation of regional party systems (with Sandra León and André Kaiser). Under review Comparative Political Studies.

Measuring Party Positions on Latent Dimensions with Salience and Positional Indicators from Texts: The Case of Market Liberalism. To be submitted Party Politics.

Retrieving causal chains. Directed acyclic graphs and GSEMs (Book chapter, volume on causal identification with observable data, editors: Fedra Negri, Allessia Damonte, and Andrew Bennett). Revision at Springer.

Identifying causal mechanisms (with Ingo Rohlfing) (Book chapter, volume on causality edited by Ned Lebow).

The Comparison of Issue Attention across Political Arenas using Optimized Dictionaries (with Daniel Gonzatti and Lea Kaftan). Under review American Journal of Political Science.

Multilevel territorial identities and the role of ideology. Evidence from observational and experimental data (with Mingyi Zhang). Manuscript in preparation.

Retrieving party positions from media data (with Daniel Gonzatti and Lea Kaftan). Manuscript in preparation.

Market Liberalism and Inequality: Government ideology and income inequality revisited. Manuscript in preparation.

The second-order reversed. Regional and state-wide party system dynamics in interaction. Manuscript in preparation.

Ideology and decentralization (with André Kaiser). Manuscript in preparation.

The radical right and fiscal policy. Manuscript in preparation.

The radical right and public debt. Pathway analysis of social and fiscal policies and their budgetary consequences. (with Lea Elsässer). To be submitted.