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New Article in Latin American Politics & Society

"Opting for Exit: Informalization, Social Policy Discontent, and Lack of Good Governance" by Sarah Berens

New Article in Journal of International Social Work

"Rescaling social care services: The case of district municipalities in Istanbul" by Elifcan Celebi

Curriculum 4.0 Grant

The project „Praktische und analytische Digitalkompetenzen für Politikwissenschaftlerinnen und Politikwissenschaftler“…

CCCP Workshop: Call for Applications

International workshop on “International and Comparative Political Economy” on November 26-27, 2020

New publication by Dr. Jan Sauermann

Book Review

New Article in West European Politics

Now in Print: "Greens in government: the distributive policies of a culturally progressive force" by Leonce Röth and…

New Article in Theory and Decision

"On the instability of majority decision-making - Testing the implications of the ‘chaos theorems’ in a laboratory…

New Article in Swiss Political Science Review

"Does the Electoral System Foster a Predominant Party System? Evidence from Turkey" by Düzgün Arslantaş, Şenol Arslantaş…

dfg Fachkollegium Political Science

André Kaiser re-elected to the dfg Fachkollegium Political Science

New Article in Swiss Political Science Review

"Set‐theoretic Multimethod Research: The Role of Test Corridors and Conjunctions for Case Selection" by Ingo Rohlfing…