There will be an interdisciplinary workshop on ‘Multi-Level-Coordination of the Energiewende’ on 9-10 December 2016, organized by the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics. It takes place at the Lecture Hall of the Institute of Political Science at the University of Cologne. Please find the program and further details in this document.
The workshop brings together legal scholars, economists and political scientists in order to better understand how multi-level systems seek to master the challenge of energy transition. The energy transition or Energiewende is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of political programs as well as ad hoc actions by private and public actors at the local, regional, national and supranational level. These measures have been numerous and diverse, yet attempts to positively coordinate them remain limited. Moreover, Energiewende policies often face efficiency concerns as divergent economic interests have to be accommodated and distributive conflicts have to be solved. Against this backdrop, the workshop addresses issues of vertical and horizontal coordination between governments as well as coordination between private and public actors in the energy sector.
Please register with Stephan Vogel ( preferably until 4th December, also indicating whether you would like to join for dinner (unfortunately we will likely not be able to cover dinner costs for non-presenting participants).