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Workshop Announcement

On May 23rd-24th the CCCP will host the international workshop “New Approaches to the Political Economy of Social Policy” at the venue of the Fritz-Thyssen Foundation, May 23rd − 24th 2016, organized by Irene Menéndez Gonzalez, University of Zurich, Santiago López-Cariboni, Catholic University of Uruguay and Sarah Berens, University of Cologne.

In recent years, social policymaking in developing countries has undergone fundamental changes and diverted scholarly interest from welfare state research in well-established democracies to the nascent field of developing economies. Understanding who benefits from social policy, who is hurt by it and when political actors are most likely to provide it is crucial to understand the different patterns of social policy, its causes and consequences, in developing economies. The workshop gathers a group of international scholars devoted to the question of obstacles and challenges of social policymaking in developing countries to address a topic of urgent interest: the expansion of social protection programs to the poor and vulnerable.

To register for the workshop please contact Sarah Berens ( Further information is available here.