Am 29. November 2016 hält Herr Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kittel (Universität Wien) einen Vortrag zum Thema "Empirical Justice Research: Institutions, Attitudes, and Behavior" am CCCP im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Microfoundations of Politics. Social Preferences and Political Behavior". Der Vortrag findet von 17:45-19:15 Uhr im Hörsaal des Forschungsinstituts (Gottfried-Keller-Str. 6) statt. Ein Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung ist nicht erforderlich.
Justice research has moved from normative political theory to the empirical social sciences. Focusing on distributive justice, the presentation first addresses the comparative evaluation of welfare institutions from the perspective of their capacity to produce 'just' outcomes in a 'just' way. Then comparative survey research on justice perceptions and attitudes in the population is scrutinzed. Finally, experimental work on the manifestation of justice principles as social norms is explored. Taking justice as an example, the presentation will proceed by discussing the relationship between theory and method in macro-comparative research, comparative survey research, and laboratory experimental research. It will reflect on the way in which research questions are raised at different levels of analysis and ask questions about the ways in which specific questions imply particular methodological approaches. While addressing the same topic, studies set at different levels of analysis will observe different facets of the phenomenon.