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Political Behavior and Institutions Workshop

The Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (CCCP) and the Excellence Cluster ECONtribute (ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy EXC 2126) jointly host a half-day mini-workshop on “Political Behavior and Institutions” on 10 January 2023.

10. January 2023 at University of Cologne, Main Building, Dozierendenzimmer Albertus-Magnus-Platz , 50923 Cologne

The workshop will showcase research on this topic being conducted by leading researchers from top-departments, alongside presentations by early career researchers at the University of Cologne and the ECONtribute research area “Political Economy”. We have already received commitments to participate from Kenneth Scheve (Yale University, United States), Matthew Gabel (Washington University in St. Louis, United States) and Paula Rettl (Bocconi University, Italy). The primary objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for scholars producing state-of-the-art political economy research to discuss their work and to connect researchers working at internationally leading institutions with researchers at the University of Cologne. A secondary objective of this workshop is to provide early career researchers at the University of Cologne with an opportunity to receive feedback on their work from world-leading researchers in their field.

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