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New article published online in the British Journal of Political Science

Leonce Röth, Daniel Saldivia Gonzatti, Lea Kaftan and André Kaiser on "Studying Multi-Level Systems with Cross-Level Data: Introducing Three Integrated Datasets"


Most political systems consist of multiple layers. Yet datasets are predominantly situated at a single territorial tier, encouraging methodological nationalism, regionalism, and localism. We present three new integrated datasets that include electoral, institutional, ideological, and government composition data on the country and regional level (RD|CED, RED and RPSD). With this data, we cover 337 country elections on the regional level, 2,226 regional elections, and 2,825 regional cabinets in 365 regions of 21 countries from 1941 to 2019, accounting for 800 political parties and their ideological positions. Combined, these data complement and extend existing datasets and facilitate the study of political interaction across levels. Data are available at or can be accessed through the Havard Dataverse repository. We conclude with an agenda for future cross-level studies.


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