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CCCP Workshop: Call for Applications

International workshop on “International and Comparative Political Economy” on November 26-27, 2020

The Cologne Center for Comparative Politics and the Excellence Cluster ECONtribute (ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy EXC 2126) are jointly hosting an international workshop on “International and Comparative Political Economy”. The workshop will feature the work of early career researchers working in this area.

The workshop will offer four panels on the following themes:

  1. Inequality and Redistribution (keynote speaker and discussant: Charlotte Cavaille, University of Michigan)
  2. The Political Economy of Gender (keynote speaker and discussant: Frances Rosenbluth, Yale University)
  3. Governance and Power in the Digital Economy (keynote speaker and discussant: Anke Hassel, Hertie School of Governance)
  4. International Political Economy of Trade and Migration (keynote speaker and discussant: Stefanie Walter, University of Zurich)

The workshop will accommodate about 12 papers and will take place on November 26-27, 2020 in Cologne.

Submission Details:
Authors must be early career researchers (doctoral, post-doctoral researchers or junior faculty without tenure). Submissions co-authored by junior and senior researchers are also welcomed. The presentation of the paper at the workshop has to be given exclusively by the early career researcher. Interested researchers are invited to submit their paper proposals, indicating the desired panel and including an abstract of about 500 words, to until June 15, 2020

For further information please check this pdf or our website.