New article published in Medical Humanities
Danielle Pullan and Payton Gannon (Georgetown University Law Center) on "Data discrepancies: Italian ministry reports on…
BSOG Policy Forum Series 2024
Sustainable Trade in the Making? Coherence and Pluralism in the EU’s Open, Green, Digital & Geopolitical Agenda.
Maastricht Debate 2024: Debatte der Spitzenkandidat:innen
Anlässlich der Wahlen zum Europaparlament veranstalten das Institut für Politische Wissenschaft und Europäische Fragen…
New article published in Journal of European Public Policy
Lukas Hetzer and Brian Burgoon (University of Amsterdam) on "Regional crises and European fiscal preferences: how…
Dates of written exams at the CCCP (Summer term 2024)
Dates of written exams at the CCCP (Summer term 2024)
Call for papers: Migration, Care and Digitalization Workshop
Dr. Elifcan Celebi (associate member of the CCCP) Dr. Mert Kocak invite submissions for an upcoming workshop on…
Cologne-GESIS workshop: Multi-Data Perspectives on Democracy
On 3 July 2024, the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (affiliated with the Cluster of Excellence: ECONtribute) …
New article published in: Games and Economic Behavior
Thorsten Giertz with Jens Großer (Florida State University) on "Pork barrel politics, voter turnout, and inequality: An…
New article published in Socio-Economic Review
Hanna Doose on "Losing ground: business power, standardized assets and the regulation of land acquisition taxes in…
Inspection of Exams/Klausureinsichten
Inspections of written exams / Institute of Political Science