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International PROTEUS Simulation Exercise 2022

Open for Applications now.

Gerhard-Fürst-Preis 2021 for David Kläffling

David Kläffling has received the Gerhard-Fürst-Preis 2021

New Article in European Journal of Political Research

Jens Wäckerle with Christopher Wratil on "Majority representation and legitimacy"

Michael Bechtel joins the CCCP as Professor of Political Economy

Michael Bechtel joins the ECONtribute Cluster of Excellence, the Institute of Political Science and European Affairs and…

New Article in German Politics

Iris Reus & Stephan Vogel (2021) Taking Stock after 40 Years of Comparative Land Policy Analysis (1980−2020). A Review…

Jan Schwalbach with Christian Rauh on "Collecting large-scale comparative text data on legislative debates"

in (Ed. Marc Debus, Hanna Bäck and Jorge M. Fernandes): The Politics of Legislative Debate Around the World. Oxford…

New Article in Political Science Research and Methods

“Do parties’ representation failures affect populist attitudes? Evidence from a multinational survey experiment” by…

Michael Schwan a DAAD/AICGS Research Fellow

at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Johns Hopkins University (JHU), in Washington, DC,…

New Article in British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies

“The evolution of the party model in Turkey: from cadre to cartel parties?” by Düzgün Arslantaş/Şenol Arslantaş

New Article in European Political Science Review

“Going in circles? The influence of the electoral cycle on the party behaviour in parliament” by Jan Schwalbach