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Office closed: Tuesday, May 22nd until Thursday, May 24th 2018

The CCCP office will be closed from Tuesday, May 22, until Thursday, May 24th 2018.
Next office hours: Thursday, May…

CCCP Workshop: Call for Applications

International workshop on “Theoretical and Methodological Innovations in Comparative Politics” on November 22-23, 2018

John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship for Christopher Wratil

Dr. Christopher Wratil, Thyssen Postdoc Fellow at the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics since 2016, was selected…

New article published in Electoral Studies

A new article was published by the CCCP Senior Research Associate Dr. Laura Cabeza (Sant'Anna School of Advanced…

New paper published: Fictional expectations and the global media in the Greek debt crisis

A new working paper has been published as part of the MUSWAPS project by Agnes Orban (CCCP) and Volker Daniel and Magnus…

Inspection of exams / Klausureinsicht

Inspections of written exams (Klausuren) are organized by the Institute of Political Science. Further information at:  h…

Just published: How did Immigrant Voters Vote at the 2017 Bundestag Election? First Results from the Immigrant German Election Study (IMGES)

The Immigrant German Election Study 2017 is the first electoral study that allows precise estimates about the behaviour…

New article published in "Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research"

A new article has been published by Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch together with Anne Skevik Grødem,  Anniken Hagelund…

PROTEUS Seminar 2018 for Master students open for applications

Masterstudents of political science can now apply for the PROTEUS Seminar:

Basismodul Seminar Politikwissenschaft V:…

Upcoming Dates for Written Exams in Political Science (Winter 2017/18)

The dates and venues for the upcoming written exams in political science can be found here