With 2.49 Mio CHF the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) funds a new leading house on…
DFG bewilligt Forschungsprojekt "Voting by Veto" von Dr. Jan Sauermann
Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert das Forschungsprojekt „Voting by Veto“ von Dr. Jan Sauermann am…
New article in New Political Economy
Trampusch, Christine/Palier, Bruno (2016): Between X and Y: How Process Tracing Contributes to Opening the Black Box of…
New article in "Politische Theorien der Gegenwart II"
André Kaiser, Die politische Theorie des Neo-Institutionalismus: James March und Johan Olsen, in André Brodocz and Gary…
New article in "Journal of Politics in Latin America"
Berens, S. (2015). "Preferences on Redistribution in Fragmented Labor Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean" Journ…
DFG Grant for Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch for Project on Municipal Swap Deals
With 463.150€ the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) funds the research project…
Workshop am CCCP: “Social Policy and Clientelism” (07. November 2015)
Workshop am CCCP: “Social Policy and Clientelism”
07. November 2015
Das Cologne Center for Comparative Politics des…
Valeria Smirnova wins Peter Mair Prize
Valeria Smirnova has won the Peter Mair Prize for her paper on the reform of political finance regulation. The Prize…
2.5 Mio CHF Grant for Research on Vocational and Professional Education and Training
Neuer Artikel in "German Politics"
The Financialisation of Sovereign Debt: An Institutional Analysis of the Reforms in German Public Debt Management.…
Blog Post on the scientific blog of the university of Salamanca
Berens, S. and Ruth, S. P. (2015) Políticas sociales progresistas y estrategias partidarias clientelares: ¿Reconciliando…