Call for papers: Migration, Care and Digitalization Workshop
Dr. Elifcan Celebi (associate member of the CCCP) Dr. Mert Kocak invite submissions for an upcoming workshop on…
Cologne-GESIS workshop: Multi-Data Perspectives on Democracy
On 3 July 2024, the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (affiliated with the Cluster of Excellence: ECONtribute) …
New article published in: Games and Economic Behavior
Thorsten Giertz with Jens Großer (Florida State University) on "Pork barrel politics, voter turnout, and inequality: An…
New article published in Socio-Economic Review
Hanna Doose on "Losing ground: business power, standardized assets and the regulation of land acquisition taxes in…
Inspection of Exams/Klausureinsichten
Inspections of written exams / Institute of Political Science
New article published in Journal of European Integration
Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik on "The quiet politics of migration supranationalization – Commission entrepreneurship and the…
New article published in Electoral Studies
Chitralekha Basu on "How the media matters for the economic vote: Evidence from Britain"
Dr. Elifcan Celebi to participate in new project by the Cologne International Forum (Innovative Tandem Collaboration)
Dr. Mert Koçak (Istanbul, Turkey) together with Dr. Elifcan Celebi on "Gender, Migration and Digitalization of Care…
Vacancy: Doctoral Positions in Economic Sociology and Political Economy
The IMPRS-SPCE invites excellent candidates to apply for its doctoral program.
New article published in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik on "Perspectives of flow and place: rethinking notions of migration and mobility in…