New Article in Journal of Experimental Political Science
Sauermann, J. (2021) “Prosociality in Majority Decisions: A Laboratory Experiment on the Robustness of the Uncovered…
Information on CCCP courses for the upcoming summer term online
Summer semester 2021 - Get info now!
Info on the Cologne Master in Political Science
The programme, your benefits, the application
Spokesperson of the DVPW Working Group on Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie
Jan Sauermann re-elected for a second three-year term
Doctoral Scholarship offered by the Cologne Graduate School
Apply until March 1, 2021
New Textbook: Foundations of European Politics. A Comparative Approach
Forthcoming with Oxford University Press 2021 by Catherine E. De Vries, Sara B. Hobolt, Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan…
New article published in European Journal of Political Research
"Multilevel governance and women's legislative representation" by Kristina Gushchina and André Kaiser
ERC grant for project on minority governments
MINORITYRULE project by Sven-Oliver Proksch receives funding
US-Wahl 2020: Kölner Politikwissenschaftler beleuchten wichtige Aspekte
Statements zur US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2020
Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Chitralekha Basu, PhD
The Making of Public Opinion and Implications for Electoral Representation