Cologne Political Science Workshop
Showcase the diversity and quality of research in comparative politics and political economy being produced in Cologne
New article published in Legislative Studies Quarterly
Schwalbach, Jan in "Talking to the Populist Radical Right: A Comparative Analysis of Parliamentary Debates"
New article published in Sage Journals
Ingo Rohlfing with David Kühn on "Do Quantitative and Qualitative Research Reflect two Distinct Cultures? An Empirical…
Dates of written exams at the CCCP (Summer term 2022)
Dates of written exams at the CCCP (Summer term 2022)
ECONtribute Discussion Paper No. 170
Bruno Castanho Silva, Jens Wäckerle and Christopher Wratil on "Determinants of Public Opinion Support for a…
New article published in Journal of Experimental Political Science
Bruno Castanho Silva with Fabian Guy Neuner and Christopher Wratil on "Populism and Candidate Support in the US: The…
Björn Bremer: Öffentliche Finanzen: Was hemmt lokale Investitionen? | Wissenschaft im Rathaus 13. Juni
Der öffentliche Investitionsstau ist in Deutschland vor allem ein kommunales Phänomen. Wie sind lokale Unterschiede zu…
Virtual Open House for Prospective Students
Learn about the application process, study program, and our international study environment!
New Article published in Latin American Politics and Society
Melina Altamirano with Sarah Berens and Franziska Deeg on "Varieties of Economic Vulnerability:
Evidence on Social…
New Article published in IBF Paper Series, Conference Papers
Michael Schwan with Mark Cassell on „Sparkassen revisited. The resiliency of German savings banks between globalization…