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CCCP winter term courses now online

The CCCP courses held in the upcoming winter semester can now be found on our website.

Lecture with André Bächtiger

"Designing Democracy on Mars and Earth"

New article published in The Review of International Organizations

Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik with Sandra Lavenex (University of Geneva) and Philipp Lutz (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) on…

Cologne Summer School: EU@Work 2023

Die Türkisch-Deutsche Universität plant auch dieses Sommersemester erneut Exkursionen für Studierende.

New article in the OECD Forum Network

Michael Bechtel and Michael Cannon: "Can Multilateralism Contribute to Solving the Climate Crisis?"

Michael Bechtel zu Gast im ECONtribute Wirtschaftspodcast

Warum reagiert die Politik oft kurzfristig auf Krisen, statt vorzubeugen? Antworten in der neuen Folge des ECONtribute…

New article published in European Journal of Politics and Gender

Jens Wäckerle on "A bill of their own: collaboration of women in European parliaments"

New article published in Politics and Governance

Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik with Sandra Lavenex (University of Geneva) and Philipp Lutz (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) on…

New Lecture Series: Political Science and Political Economy Lecture Series

PSPE Lecture Series

New article published in the daily Austrian newspaper "Die Presse"

Düzgün Arslantas on "Erdogans Blendung der Welt wird ihm nicht nutzen"