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Doctoral Scholarship offered by the Cologne Graduate School

Apply until March 1, 2021

New Textbook: Foundations of European Politics. A Comparative Approach

Forthcoming with Oxford University Press 2021 by Catherine E. De Vries, Sara B. Hobolt, Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan…

New article published in European Journal of Political Research

"Multilevel governance and women's legislative representation" by Kristina Gushchina and André Kaiser

ERC grant for project on minority governments

MINORITYRULE project by Sven-Oliver Proksch receives funding

US-Wahl 2020: Kölner Politikwissenschaftler beleuchten wichtige Aspekte

Statements zur US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2020

Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Chitralekha Basu, PhD

The Making of Public Opinion and Implications for Electoral Representation

New Publication in Socio-Economic Review

"Financial officers, the municipal swap industry and the rise of risky innovations among states" by Agnes Janssen

New publication in American Political Science Review

“Fake It ‘Til You Make It: A Natural Experiment to Identify European Politicians’ Benefit from Twitter Bots” by Bruno…

New publication in Review of International Political Economy

“Financialization of, not by the state: exploring changes in the management of public debt and assets across Europe” by…

New Publication in Political Communication

“Biased Representation of Politicians in Google and Wikipedia Search? The Joint Effect of Party Identity, Gender…