Inaugural Lecture by Michael Bechtel
Michael M. Bechtel held his Inaugural Lecture on "Why Are We Underprepared? Democracy, Sustainability, and Long-Term…
New article published in Legislative Studies Quarterly
Jens Wäckerle and Bruno Castanho Silva on "Distinctive Voices: Political Speech, Rhetoric, and the Substantive…
New article published in Party Politics
Düzgün Arslantaş with Şenol Arslantaş on "From “permanent opposition” to the “power”: Anti-systemic parties in Turkey"
New article published in Legislative Studies Quarterly
Lennart Schürmann on "Do competitive districts get more political attention? Strategic use of geographic representation…
Political Behavior and Institutions Workshop
The Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (CCCP) and the Excellence Cluster ECONtribute (ECONtribute: Markets & Public…
Invitation to Inaugural Lecture by Michael Bechtel - 16 January 2023
Inaugural Lecture by Michael Bechtel on on "Why Are We Underprepared? Democracy, Sustainability, and Long-Term Policy…
New article published in American Political Science Review
Christopher Wratil with Jens Wäckerle and Sven-Oliver Proksch on "Government Rhetoric and the Representation of Public…
New article published in Third World Quarterly
Düzgün Arslantaş and André Kaiser on "The ‘Competitive Authoritarian’ Turn in Turkey: Bandwagoning versus Reality"
New article published in Sage Journals
Sarah Berens and Franziska Deeg on "Moving North and Coming Back: How Concerns about Different Types of Migrants Affect…
New article published in nature communications
Michael Bechtel with Kenneth F. Scheve and Elisabeth van Lieshout on "Improving public support for climate action…