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Klausureinsicht Sommer 2023 / Exam inspection, summer 2023

Anmeldung für Klausureinsicht geöffnet / Registration for exam inspection now open

New article published in Computational Communication Research

Hauke Licht and Fabienne Lind on "Going cross-lingual: A guide to multilingual quantitative text analysis."

New article published in Political Science Research and Methods

Dominik Duell (University of Innsbruck), Lea Kaftan, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin (University of Zürich) and…

Blog post published at MPC Blog

Sandra Lavenex, Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik and Philipp Lutz on "What do trade agreements have to do with migration…

New DAAD Project at the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics

On May 1, 2023, an international project on "Experts, Power and Democracy: The Rise of Technocracy in Europe" was…

New DFG Project at the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics

On May 01, 2023, an international project on "Institutional rules and their effects on cabinet and ministerial…

New article published in British Journal of Political Science

Sven-Oliver Proksch with Bruno Castanho Silva (FU Berlin) and Lennart Schürmann on "Modulation of Democracy: Partisan…

CCCP winter term courses now online

The CCCP courses held in the upcoming winter semester can now be found on our website.

Lecture with André Bächtiger

"Designing Democracy on Mars and Earth"

New article published in The Review of International Organizations

Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik with Sandra Lavenex (University of Geneva) and Philipp Lutz (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) on…