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New article published in American Political Science Review

Christopher Wratil with Jens Wäckerle and Sven-Oliver Proksch on "Government Rhetoric and the Representation of Public…

New article published in Third World Quarterly

Düzgün Arslantaş and André Kaiser on "The ‘Competitive Authoritarian’ Turn in Turkey: Bandwagoning versus Reality"

New article published in Sage Journals

Sarah Berens and Franziska Deeg on "Moving North and Coming Back: How Concerns about Different Types of Migrants Affect…

New article published in nature communications

Michael Bechtel with Kenneth F. Scheve and Elisabeth van Lieshout on "Improving public support for climate action…

New article published in Journal of Civil Society

Elifcan Çelebi on "How do women's GONGOs influence policymaking processes in Turkey?"


New article published in Socio-Economic Review (SER)

Michael Kemmerling & Christine Trampusch on "Digital Power Resources (DPR): The Political Economy of Structural and…

Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Birgül Demirtaş, Turkish-German University Istanbul

Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Birgül Demirtaş, Turkish-German University Istanbul

"Middle Powers and Global Security…

New article published in Social Policy & Administration

Christine Trampusch on "Including Migrant Skills in a Knowledge Economy: The Politics of Recognition of Foreign…

New article published in The Journal of Politics

Dominik Duell with Lea Kaftan, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin, and Christopher Wratil on "Communicating the Rift:…

New article published in Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties

Jens Wäckerle on "The end of the all-male party? Voter preferences for gender representation in political parties"