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Now available in print: Article published in European Journal of Political Economy

The influence of group size on distributional fairness under voting by veto

Introduction to R Workshop

Introduction to R Workshop by Flavio Azevedo

New Article published in Revue Française des Science Politiques

New article by Christine Trampusch and Bruno Palier

"How Populist Are You" quiz by the The Guardian co-developed by Bruno Castanho Silva

"How Populist Are You" quiz on the website of The Guardian co-developed by Bruno Castanho Silva

“Junior Teaching Award“ für Dr. Michael Schwan

“Junior Teaching Award“ für Dr. Michael Schwan

Sarah Berens receives NetEx Grant

Sarah Berens receives NetEx Grant (4.970€)

Call for applications: Doctoral Positions in Economic Sociology, Comparative Political Economy, and Organization Studies

Doctoral Positions at the International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the…

“Sirin Tekeli Research Encouragement Award 2018” for Elifcan Celebi

Sirin Tekeli Research Encouragement Award 2018

New article published in Journal of European Public Policy

„Regulating audit market in the European Union: who dominates, who loses?”

New article published in Publius: The Journal of Federalism

"Dynamic De/Centralization in Federations: Comparative Conclusions"