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New article published in Publius: The Journal of Federalism

Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Theorizing Dynamic De/Centralization in Federations

New article published in Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft

A new article has been published by Stephan Vogel with Iris Reus. You can find Policy-Vielfalt zwischen den…

New article published in American Journal of Political Science

A new article has been published by Christopher Wratil in the American Journal of Political Science. You can find it…

New article published in Competition & Change

A new article has been published by Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch. You can find The financialization of the state:…

New article published in Legislative Studies Quarterly

A new article has been published by Jens Wäckerle, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Will Lowe and Stuart Soroka.

ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy funded as a Cluster of Excellence

ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy, a joint proposal by the universities of Bonn and Cologne, has been selected as a…

Introduction to R-Workshop

Flavio Azevedo will be offering an introductory 2-day workshop to "R" on October 4-5 for master- and PhD students. …

Inspection of Exams/Klausureinsichten

Inspections of written exams (Klausuren) are organized by the Institute of Political Science. Further information at:  h…

Information on courses offered by the CCCP for the WS 2018/2019 now online

Bachelor-, Master and PhD-students can now find information on the courses offered by the CCCP for the upcoming…

New Publication in European Journal of Political Research

A new article has been published in European Journal for Political Research: "Why accommodate minorities asymmetrically?…